Jared i.Greene
multimedia portfolio


I received my first SLR camera when I was around 12 years old, a film Pentax ZX-7. I remember looking at an advertisement for it in my father's photography magazine when I was a kid and thought it was the most amazing thing ever. That camera single handedly built the foundation of my love for photography.

While in college I worked as a photographer for four years at Arcadia University while attending classes. By the time I graduated, I had taken photographs all across the U.S. East Coast, Scotland, and Australia. These photos were used in my exhibits at age 22. I had a solo exhibit near a famous performance theater outside of Philadelphia, PA and had some of my work featured inside a shop in the city shortly after.

Photography inspired me from a very young age to capture the beauty of the world to create impacting imagery. It is the root of all my artistic abilities that are featured throughout this website.

The world is an interesting place


Green Banana photoshoot

To view the full set of my Green Banana Skateboards photo shoot, click here or on any of these images.


